Tuesday, August 21, 2007


After a long break, and an even longer absence from using a blog, I've decided, "It's time". that's right, time to open up the hatches and start up the 'ol blog. Now that I'm sluggishly moving to endgame, and Ari's 75, we'll have, you know, exciting things to talk about! More exciting than, say, getting our subjob items. No, big, epic, cool endgame things!

Here, to my left, is a picture of Vit and I, trying to get the password and get to the top of Castle Oztroja. Ari and Jedi are dead! I need to raise them oh no! Lar to the rescue!

I've been playing this game, maybe 3 or 4 years now. What do I have to show for it? A measly 65WHM. But is it so bad? I like to think not, as I've made many friends along the way. I may only be 65, but I'm 75 at heart. Keep in mind I'm 65 as we type, with a meager 2k buffer. It's not so bad though, I get a lot done for a 65. I've got sky, if that shows anything! But I still make the mistakes of a level 20, but doesn't that make the game so much more fun? :)

Ah, the Horutoto ruins. I've been through here many a time, this specific screen shot was the final run to get Cold to rank 10. He'd fallen asleep the night we got it for Quick and Jean, so we decided that he, too, deserved to be rank 10. :)

Isn't Wardrober a beautiful thing? After having Summoner for so long, I've never had Leviathan. After so long, I decided I needed the poor guy, also if I ever wanted Fenrir, i'd have to do it eventually. This screenshot demonstrates that I can be with my beloved Levy, and be a Taru at the same time! It's a good thing.

Upon unlocking sky, I was in awe. I was always under the assumption it was bland, boring, a place you'd only be in to make some money. I get there, and I was in love. It was simply beautiful, and the music was so sweet. The mobs I also loved, they had the cutest names. Sprinkler? Butler? Sign me up for this paradise! It was a place that just gave me a sort of good feeling, and I love going there to relax.

Another lovely place is Lufaise Meadows. Since my days as a budding 30WHM with a gimp sub, I've been trying to struggle through Promys. I seem to have chosen the perfect time to start up FFXI again, as Cold was holding runs. I, of course, hopped on board. We cleared all 3 with flying colors! Congratulations to all who got it, and a thank you to Cold for setting up the run!

Well, it's 5AM, the Yagudo Avatar lies dead at my feet, I'd say it's a nice time to sleep, wouldn't you?

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