Saturday, August 25, 2007

Pop NMs, Salvage, and Maat, oh my!

The past two days, they've been festive. Have I gotten a lot done? Of course not! It kind of feels like I did, though. Of course, I only gained one level, 66WHM ONRY! But of course I deleveled. :( Oh well, It's not an awful thing, at least I'm close to 66 again. Honestly, I just want to be 75. Merit WHM a bit, get my WHMMELEEONRY gear, and put it in the closet. I want to play PLD! the AF is to die for, and it's just a fun job.

Speaking of PLD, Houz decided I needed a Hospitalizer earring. So we trekked out to Misareaux Coast, trying to pop the NM. It wasn't too bad, Vit came out for the second half of the first pop. Did it twice, no drop. Oh well, I have like, what? 54 more levels until I need it? I haven't even unlocked PLD yet! But i want to be PLD, I decided it already! Aieee!

Big achievement of the day, fighting and beating Maat. I didn't get any screenshots of it though, I was panicking when he was hitting me for 120 damage a pop. But I fought him at 66, you know, for a chance to waggle my small epeen around a bit. I wonder, is an epeener worth it? I don't know if i wanna spend 8mil on a piece of gear that gives +2STR more than the 300k piece. But hey, I'll be spending what, 1.2mil on a nobles? But damn does it look nice. And, well, isn't that nice lookin' piece of gear worth it? I'm really only worried about looking nice. But I kinda wandered off there, the point was to say hey, I beat Maat! Wewt!

My first real endgame event was today. Salvage! Vit invited me, and the team was Vinoda, Maestrom, Ronin, Lordmagus(was that his name? be damned if i remember now) Dories and Jararde. Man I love the music, and the area is so pretty! It's tough, though. I must've died 7 or 8 times, Fun, though! But what's not fun is losing my level. :( I felt totally endgame going in, felt like a huge nub coming out. But hey, I did something!

I feel productive lately.

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