Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The birth of a new blog

Oh, a new blog, you may say? Why, yes, a new blog entirely! I decided to go out on a limb to really display something new, something fresh, that hadn't been done before. so i chose a BLOG. All the kids are downloading blogs on their internets and getting hip to them! Oh, but this blog, this blog is dedicated to Final Fantasy XI. Yeah, you heard me, Final Fantasy XI. Some say the greatest game of all time, some say it's the only game of all time. However there are some who believe it's a government conspiracy, and that video games in general are a myth. Here to prove you wrong are upstanding citizens, contributors to the Bahamut Server. Larien, Aricelia, and Kiris. That's right, here to prove to you that Final Fantasy XI does, in fact, exist! Yes sir, let me tell you, whippersnappers nowadays may be talking about their worlds of craftwars and their age of lines, but final fantasy xi is a timeless multiplayer game.

Soloing... All alone... In Konschtat. Now, it was going pretty well, if I do say so myself. Got from Today I decided to level Warrior, oh but it was slim pickings for invites. I had to resort to... To level 7 to level 9, and a few dumb moves led to a few needs for a few raises. A few times. It was a murky day out, couldn't see a ray of sun through the clouds; it was pretty depressing. But, although the atmosphere may have been gloomy, ask yourself; Dark and lonely leveling, or Valkurm leveling? Go on, you can take your time, no hurry. But, of course, all good things must come to an end. Eventually, a bad pull led to a struggle, and although I was one hit away from killing the little sprout bastard, the delay on my sweet axe led to my death.

I'm not going to lie, I've had a long leave of absence from FFXI, so Ihaven't been doing much. Still need time to get back in the loop of everything. I've fallen behind in leveling and quests, but it's almost Christmas break, so that'll be good catch-up time, then I'll be back to kill0rzing teh mobs and pwnzing teh nubs! But until then, a nice, slow, relaxing stay in Vana'Diel is just what I need. =]


Katsumoto said...

Hahaha, great post Lar

Coldwind said...

indeed looking forward for more

roccoj said...

nice fishing pic

roccoj said...

omg i remember you talking about the king stuff very funny

Anonymous said...

A blog by ari and lar...

Please both you you double tag team suck my dick and nut sack at the same time I am horny...

Anonymous said...

A blog by ari and lar...

Please both of you double blow job me I m horny. Please need the dick?